Thursday, January 7, 2010

Golden Globe Winner Predictions: Best Director – Motion Picture

The competition: James Cameron (Avatar), Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker), Quentin Tarantino (Inglourious Basterds), Clint Eastwood (Invictus), and Jason Reitman (Up in the Air).

For your information: This is Eastwood’s seventh directing nod, and he’s won three times. His film isn’t up for Best Picture, but he still managed to win in the same scenario for “Bird” in 1988. Cameron has one nod and win for “Titanic,” and Tarantino has just one previous nod, for “Pulp Fiction.” This is the first nomination for both Bigelow and Reitman.

Who should win: Good list – give it to any of them.

Who will win: Probably a showdown between the formerly married Cameron and Bigelow. Bigelow’s film will probably take Best Picture, leaving this race to Cameron.

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